AliasDir |
Returns the current redirect direction, or the current move direction if the bullet has not been redirected. |
AliasFacingSpeed |
The bullet's current facingSpeed. |
AliasKeyNum |
Which keyframe the bullet is currently on (first keyframe is number 0). |
AliasKeyProgress |
The percent progress through the bullet's current frame (0-1) . |
AliasLifetimeProgress |
The percent progress through the bullet's total lifetime (0-1) . |
AliasMoveAngle |
The current move angle of the bullet (which way it's moving). |
AliasNumKeyLoops |
How many times the bullet has reached the end of its keyframes and looped. |
AliasOpacity |
The bullet's current opacity. |
AliasPatternPos |
The position of the spawning pattern, if it exists. |
AliasRemoteControlPos |
The position of the target unit (the unit this bullet is trying to remote control). |
AliasRotationSpeed |
The bullet's current rotationSpeed. |
AliasSizeMultiplier |
The bullet's sizeMultiplier, set by the pattern. |
BulletNum |
CantBeAffected |
CantBeDestroyed |
CantBeIgnored |
ChildBullet |
CollideWithPixels |
CollideWithPlayer |
CrossDistance |
CrossWidth |
CurrDamageAvailable |
CurrForceStrength |
CurrStatusEffectData |
DataPath |
ElapsedFrameTime |
ElapsedLifetime |
FacingAngle |
FacingDirection |
FanNum |
FloatVar |
HasParentPattern |
IgnorePlayerCollisionForKeyframe |
IgnorePxcCollisionForKeyframe |
ImpulseVelocity |
IntVar |
IsActive |
IsAnchored |
IsDespawning |
IsFinishedAdvancingKeyframes |
IsPlayerBullet |
IsPositive |
IsRedirected |
IsStatusVisualBullet |
LastPos |
Length |
Level |
LoopNum |
Mass |
MoveDir |
MoveMode |
NumBullets |
NumShotPatternsConstant |
ParallelNum |
ParentBullet |
ParentPattern |
PartDamageFactor |
PatternNum |
PlayerCollideable |
PosA |
PosB |
Position |
Current position of the bullet. |
PxcCollideable |
PxcDamageDealt |
Radius |
RectSize |
RectWidthMods |
ShouldOverrideStatus |
SourcePlayer |
If this is a player bullet, who shot it? |
SpawnPos |
StartTime |
StatusLevel |
TargetPlayer |
TimeScale |
TotalLifetime |
TotalPxcDamage |
VectorVar |
Velocity |