BulletKeyframeData Resource
Namespace: SpaceUsurper
Describes the properties a bullet should have for a certain period of time, in sequence.
Inheritance: Object → HotloadedData → BulletKeyframeData
This resource type supports #include
, so it can inherit properties
from other resources of the same type.
Name | Description |
#include |
(Inherited from HotloadedData<BulletKeyframeData>) |
acceleration |
cantBeAffected |
If true, not affected by RepelBullets / DestroyBullets / TransformBullets / AffectBulletsInRadius / GetBulletsInRadius / AddForceToBullets. |
chance |
Chance of using keyframe, from 0 to 1. |
colorA1 |
colorA2 |
colorB1 |
colorB2 |
colorBlinkTime |
Time it takes to lerp between color1 and color2. |
colorC1 |
colorC2 |
crossDistance |
crossWidth |
duration |
easingType |
The easing type used when easing into the next keyframe. |
facingMode |
facingSpeedPercent |
frictionPercent |
glowA |
glowB |
glowC |
ignorePixelCollision |
Use when a bullet should start on a pxc without colliding with it until later. |
ignorePlayerCollision |
Only applies to this keyframe, unlike the general version of this func which means the bullet can never hit the player. |
isPositive |
Whether the player would generally want to collide with the bullet on this keyframe, and/or would not want to destroy it. |
length |
loopEnd |
Keyframe will be ignored if we are on or past loop number N (non-inclusive). |
loopModulus |
Keyframe active every N loops. |
loopStart |
Keyframe will be ignored until we are on loop number N or greater. |
moveAngle |
Relative to the starting direction (unless useAbsoluteAngles is true). |
moveMode |
next |
If this returns a valid frame, goto that frame instead of the next-in-sequence keyframe. |
opacity |
Modifier value for the colors' opacities. |
pixelDamagePercent |
The percent of max damage the bullet has available this keyframe. |
posLerpSpeed |
precacheTextures |
(Inherited from HotloadedData<BulletKeyframeData>) |
proximityEnabled |
Whether the bullet should check proximity to target units on this keyframe (true by default). |
radius |
rectSize |
rectWidthMods |
rotationSpeed |
sprite |
spriteIndex |
sprites |
targetFacingAngle |
targetPos |
If moveMode is Target, lerp to this position instead of using velocity. |
velocityMode |
vibrateOnTouchAmount |
TODO: only supported by BulletArchetype bullets. |
vibrateOnTouchEasingType |
TODO: only supported by BulletArchetype bullets. |
vibrateOnTouchHorizThreshold |
TODO: only supported by BulletArchetype bullets. |
Name | Description |
onKeyframe |
Actions to run at the start of this keyframe. |