float | RowHeight [get, set] |
Bounds | Offset = 64f [get, set] |
| Defines how far the left, right, upper and lower edges are offset from the anchoring rectangle. More...
float | OffsetLeft [get, set] |
float | OffsetTop [get, set] |
float | OffsetRight [get, set] |
float | OffsetBottom [get, set] |
Bounds | Anchor [get, set] |
| Defines an anchoring rectangle relative to the parent control. Each value in the Bounds is in the range [0, 1], with (0, 0) being the upper left corner and (1, 1) being the lower right. More...
float | AnchorLeft [get, set] |
float | AnchorTop [get, set] |
float | AnchorRight [get, set] |
float | AnchorBottom [get, set] |
Bounds | Rect [get] |
float | Width [get] |
| Absolute width of the control. More...
float | Height [get] |
| Absolute height of the control. More...
Vector | Size [get] |
bool | IsReadOnly [get, set] |
| This transform cannot be modified if true. More...
Vector | Position [get, set] |
| The world space position of this transform. More...
Vector | LocalPosition [get, set] |
| The position of this transform inside its parent. More...
Vector | LocalScale [get, set] |
| Scale of this transform relative to its parent. More...
Quaternion | Rotation [get, set] |
| The world space rotation of this transform. More...
Quaternion | LocalRotation [get, set] |
| The rotation of this transform relative to its parent. More...
Transform | Parent [get, protected set] |
| The transform of the parent entity, or null if this transform has no parent. More...
IEnumerable< Transform > | Children [get] |
| An enumeration of the transforms of any entities parented to this one. More...
abstract bool | IsValid [get] |
| Tests to see if this object hasn't been removed. More...
virtual string | Name [get, set] |
| Custom name associated with this Object's Entity, used to find the Entity in the hierarchy. More...
virtual Transform | Transform [get] |
| Transformation of this Object's Entity. More...
virtual IWorld | World [get] |
| The IWorld that contains this Object. More...
void | Add (Transform transform, bool worldPositionStays) |
| Adds a child transform, optionally keeping its transformation in world space intact. More...
void | DetachFromParent (bool worldPositionStays) |
| Removes this transform as a child of its current parent, and makes it a root transform. More...
Vector | TransformPosition (Vector position) |
| Applies this transformation to a position, moving it from local space to world space. More...
Vector | TransformVector (Vector vector) |
| Applies this transformation to a vector, moving it from local space to world space without offsetting it by this transform's position. More...
Vector | InverseTransformPosition (Vector position) |
| Applies the inverse of this transformation to a position, moving it from world space to local space. More...
Vector | InverseTransformVector (Vector vector) |
| Applies the inverse of this transformation to a vector, moving it from world space to local space without offsetting it by this transform's position. More...
void | Rotate (Vector axis, float angle) |
| Rotates this transform about a given axis by the given angle in degrees. More...
void | Save (BinaryWriter writer) |
| Serializes this transformation to a BinaryWriter. More...
void | Load (BinaryReader reader) |
| Deserializes this transformation from a BinaryReader. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the name of the entity this transform is attached to. More...
Entity | CreateChild () |
| Creates a new Entity parented to this one. More...
TComponent | CreateChildWithComponent< TComponent > () |
| Creates a new Entity parented to this one with a component of the given type, which is returned. More...
Entity | FindChild (string name, bool recurse=true) |
| Attempts to find a child Entity of this one with the given name, and optionally searches recursively through all children. Null is returned if no matches are found. More...
TComponent | FindChildComponent< TComponent > (string name, bool recurse=true) |
| Attempts to find a child Entity of this one with the given name, and optionally searches recursively through all children. If a matching Entity is found, a component of the given type is retrieved from it. Null is returned if no matches are found. More...
Entity | FindParent (string name) |
| Attempts to find an Entity that contains this Object's Entity with the given Name. Returns null if no match is found. More...
TComponent | FindParentComponent< TComponent > () |
| Attempts to find an Entity that contains this Object's Entity with a component of the given type. If a matching Entity is found, the component of the given type is retrieved from it. Returns null if no match is found. More...
TComponent | FindParentComponent< TComponent > (string name) |
| Attempts to find an Entity that contains this Object's Entity with the given Name. If a matching Entity is found, a component of the given type is retrieved from it. Returns null if no match is found. More...
TComponent | AddComponent< TComponent > () |
| Adds a component of the specified type to this entity, returning the new component. More...
TComponent | GetOrAddComponent< TComponent > () |
| Attempts to get a component of the specified type from this entity, adding it if one doesn't already exist. More...
TComponent | GetComponent< TComponent > () |
| Attempts to get a component of the specified type from this entity, returning null if one doesn't exist. More...
IEnumerable< TComponent > | GetComponents< TComponent > () |
| Gets all components derived from the given type. More...
override bool | IsValid => Inner != null |
| Tests to see if this transform's entity hasn't been removed. More...
Vector | Forward => new Vector(Inner.forward) |
| The world space forward facing vector of this transform. More...
Vector | Up => new Vector(Inner.up) |
| The world space upwards facing vector of this transform. More...
Vector | Right => new Vector(Inner.right) |
| The world space right facing vector of this transform. More...
Vector | LossyScale => new Vector(Inner.lossyScale) |
| Approximate scale of this transform in world space. More...
Matrix4 | WorldToLocal => new Matrix4(Inner.worldToLocalMatrix) |
Matrix4 | LocalToWorld => new Matrix4(Inner.localToWorldMatrix) |
Entity | Entity => _entity ?? (_entity = Inner.GetComponent<EntityBehaviour>().Entity) |
| The entity that this transform represents. More...
int | ChildCount => Inner.childCount |
| The number of entities that are parented to this one. More...
Specialized Entities.Transform used by Control instances to describe how they are positioned relative to their parent.