Moddable voxel sandbox for room-scale VR.
▼NChunks | |
►NAgents | |
CGroundAgent | Handles movement for agents that travel on the ground. |
►NAudio | |
CAmbientEmitter | |
CSoundEffect | Describes a playable sound that can have randomized parameters. |
CSoundEmitter | Component that can emit sound effects from its location. |
CSoundModifier | Used to modify parameters of a playing sound effect. |
►NControls | |
CBounds | Used in controls to describe an axis aligned rectangle. |
CBoundsConverter | Used to read and write Bounds as a json string. |
CButton | Control that can be clicked by the player to perform an action. |
CCloseButton | |
CControl | Base class for graphical user interface controls that can be displayed and interacted with on a MenuPanel. |
CControlTransform | Specialized Entities.Transform used by Control instances to describe how they are positioned relative to their parent. |
CImage | |
CIMotionControllerInputModule | |
CInfoPanel | |
CIWandPointerEventData | |
CMask | |
CMenuPanelProperties | |
CMenuParent | |
CPanel | Used as a container for other controls, displayed as a colored rectangle. |
CPointerEventArgs | |
CRowList | |
CScrollView | |
►CSettingsMenu | |
CSliderSetting | |
CToggleSetting | |
CSlider | |
►CTabContainer | |
CTab | |
CTabButton | |
CTabPage | |
CText | Control used to display a string. |
CWorldMenu | |
►NEntities | |
CComponent | Base class for all components describing entity functionality. |
CEntity | Represents an object in the world, containing components that describe its behaviour. |
CHoldable | Component for entities that can be picked up and stored inside a Holder. |
CHolder | Component for entities that can pick up |
CIComponent | |
CIObject | |
CObject | Base class for Entity and Component types, implementing manipulation and accessing of child entities or components. |
CToolTip | Used to display a short piece of text in a bubble pointing to a position in the world. |
CTransform | Contains the position, rotation and scale of an entity. |
►NGeometry | |
CAABBPhysics | Handles movement and collisions for an axis aligned bounding box. |
CAbstractChunkGenerator | |
CBlock | Resource for a type of block, specifying its appearance, whether it can be placed by a player, and its resistance to damage. |
CBlockClipboardItem | |
CBlockVolume | |
CChunkColumn | Helper class used when generating a new column of chunks. |
CChunkGenerator | Base class for custom world generators. |
CChunkWatcher | |
CCollisionEventArgs | Contains information about an AABB collision with the world. |
CEmptyWorldGenerator | |
CEntityRaycastHit | |
CIChunk | Interface for types that define the geometry of one chunk in the world. A chunk is a cubic region of blocks, with the world made up of a regular grid of chunks. |
CIntMatrix3 | |
CIntVector | Represents an integral position or offset in 3D space. |
CIntVector2D | Represents an integral position or offset in 3D space. |
CIntVector2DConverter | |
CIntVectorConverter | |
CIRaycastable | |
CIWorld | Interface for types that implement a voxel world. |
CIWorldHit | Interface for types that describe a collision with the world. |
CMatrix4 | |
CQuaternion | Represents a three dimensional rotation. |
CRay | Describes a point being projected along a line a specific direction. |
CRaycastHit | |
CSurface | A resource containing the graphics and physics info for a block face. |
CSweptAABB | Describes an axis aligned bounding box being projected along a line in a specific direction. |
CVector | Represents a position or offset in 3D space. |
CVector2D | Represents a position or offset in 3D space. |
CVector2DConverter | |
CVector4D | Represents a position or offset in 3D space. |
CVector4DConverter | |
CVectorConverter | |
CWorldConfig | |
CWorldProperties | |
CWorldRaycastHit | Describes a collision between a ray and the world. |
CWorldSweepHit | Describes a collision between a swept bounding box and the world. |
►NGraphics | |
CBaseMaterial | Provides information for how to render a Model. |
CBlockMaterial | |
CBlockVertex | Structure used for generating models with integral vertex positions and faces aligned to each axis. |
►CCamera | |
CLighting | |
CColor | Represents an RGBA color as four floats between 0.0 and 1.0. |
CColorConverter | Used to read and write a Color as a json string. |
CCursorMaterial | |
CCursorRenderer | |
CCutoutStandardMaterial | |
CIconMaterial | |
CIEmissionMaterial | |
CITexture | |
CLayeredMaterial | A special type of material used for composing layered animated faces. |
CLightingSettings | |
CLineMaterial | |
CLineRenderer | |
CModel | A resource containing 3D geometry for rendering. |
CModelGenerator | Helper class used to procedurally generate 3D models. |
CModelRenderer | Component that renders a Model using a Material. |
CParticleEffect | A resource describing a particle effect that can have randomized parameters. |
CParticleEmitter | Component that can emit particles from its location. |
CPreviewBlockMaterial | |
CRenderTexture | |
CScreenMaterial | |
CSprite | |
CStandardMaterial | |
CTexture | |
CTransparentBlockMaterial | |
CTransparentStandardMaterial | |
►NInterface | |
CCameraRig | Component attached to the player's camera rig. |
CMenuDock | |
CMenuPanel | A surface with interactive graphical user interface controls displayed on it. |
CMenuPanelRaycastHit | Contains information about a Ray hitting a MenuPanel. |
CPointer | |
CToolIcon | |
►CTrackPadDial | Emulates a rotating dial on the controller track pad. |
CEventArgs | |
CWand | Interface for a motion controller. |
►CWandButton | Represents a button on a Wand. |
CEventArgs | |
CWandTool | Base class for types that define selectable wand controller functionality. |
CWandToolMenuItemAttribute | |
►NPlugins | |
CCompositePluginName | |
CGameMode | Base class for custom types that define top level game rules. |
CGameModeInfo | |
CGameModeInfoAttribute | |
CInitializationAttribute | |
CIResourceCollection | |
CIScreenshotService | |
CLocalPluginName | |
CMenuGameMode | |
COverrideAttribute | Used to mark Component or GameMode classes that should be substituted for the specified class that they extend. |
►CPlugin | Class containing information about loaded plugins. |
CLoadContext | |
CPluginInfo | |
CPluginName | |
CPluginNameConverter | |
CPluginResource | Base class for types that can be loaded from a plugin as a resource. |
CResourceCollection | Contains a dictionary of resources of a specific type loaded from a plugin. |
CResourceName | Represents the name of a resource. |
CWorkshopPluginName | |
CAssertionException | Thrown when an assertion fails. |
CConstantCurve | Simple curve that maps any value to a constant. |
CCurve | Base class for types that define a mapping from the range [0.0, 1.0] to another value. |
CIConfigCollection | Classes that implement this interface can be used with the Chunks.Config static class to automatically read and write config files. Any public fields in classes implementing this interface will be serialized when saving the config file. |
CLinearCurve | Simple curve that linearly interpolates between two values. |
CLogMessage | |
CTask | |
▼NLibNoise | |
►NGenerator | |
CBillow | Provides a noise module that outputs a three-dimensional billowy noise. [GENERATOR] |
CChecker | Provides a noise module that outputs a checkerboard pattern. [GENERATOR] |
CConst | Provides a noise module that outputs a constant value. [GENERATOR] |
CCylinders | Provides a noise module that outputs concentric cylinders. [GENERATOR] |
CPerlin | Provides a noise module that outputs a three-dimensional perlin noise. [GENERATOR] |
CRiggedMultifractal | Provides a noise module that outputs 3-dimensional ridged-multifractal noise. [GENERATOR] |
CSpheres | Provides a noise module that outputs concentric spheres. [GENERATOR] |
CVoronoi | Provides a noise module that outputs Voronoi cells. [GENERATOR] |
►NOperator | |
CAbs | Provides a noise module that outputs the absolute value of the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CAdd | Provides a noise module that outputs the sum of the two output values from two source modules. [OPERATOR] |
CBlend | Provides a noise module that outputs a weighted blend of the output values from two source modules given the output value supplied by a control module. [OPERATOR] |
CCache | Provides a noise module that caches the last output value generated by a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CClamp | Provides a noise module that clamps the output value from a source module to a range of values. [OPERATOR] |
CCurve | Provides a noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an arbitrary function curve. [OPERATOR] |
CDisplace | Provides a noise module that uses three source modules to displace each coordinate of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CExponent | Provides a noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an exponential curve. [OPERATOR] |
CInvert | Provides a noise module that inverts the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CMax | Provides a noise module that outputs the larger of the two output values from two source modules. [OPERATOR] |
CMin | Provides a noise module that outputs the smaller of the two output values from two source modules. [OPERATOR] |
CMultiply | Provides a noise module that outputs the product of the two output values from two source modules. [OPERATOR] |
CPower | Provides a noise module that outputs value from a first source module to the power of the output value from a second source module. [OPERATOR] |
CRotate | Provides a noise module that rotates the input value around the origin before returning the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CScale | Provides a noise module that scales the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CScaleBias | Provides a noise module that applies a scaling factor and a bias to the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CSelect | Provides a noise module that outputs the value selected from one of two source modules chosen by the output value from a control module. [OPERATOR] |
CSubtract | Provides a noise module that outputs the difference of the two output values from two source modules. [OPERATOR] |
CTerrace | Provides a noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto a terrace-forming curve. [OPERATOR] |
CTranslate | Provides a noise module that moves the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CTurbulence | Provides a noise module that that randomly displaces the input value before returning the output value from a source module. [OPERATOR] |
CGradient | Provides a color gradient. |
CModuleBase | Base class for noise modules. |
CNoise2D | Provides a two-dimensional noise map. |