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Step 2: Adding a Player Sprite
  • Create a .png file to use for the player and place it in the TestGame/Resources/ folder.
    • In general you'll want to use these 3 specific shades (along with transparency) in your images: 0x000000, 0x555555, and 0xaaaaaa. These shades will be replaced by the 3 colours in a Swatch.
    • make it around 16x16 pixels, and have it facing to the right.
  • Create a Swatches.cs file:
using GameAPI;
namespace Games.TestGame
public class Swatches
public readonly SwatchIndex ClearColor;
public readonly SwatchIndex Player;
public Swatches(PaletteBuilder palette)
ClearColor = palette.Add(0x111111, 0x111111, 0x111111);
Player = palette.Add(0xcccccc, 0x222222, 0xcc0000);
  • Add a swatches property to Main.cs, so other classes can access it:
public Swatches Swatches { get; private set; }
  • and override OnLoadPalette to properly initialize it:
protected override void OnLoadPalette(PaletteBuilder builder)
Swatches = new Swatches(builder);
  • Create a Player.cs file.
using System;
using GameAPI;
namespace Games.TestGame
public class Player : Entity
public new Main Game { get { return (Main) base.Game; } }
protected Sprite _sprite;
// constructor
public Player()
// called when this entity is added to a stage
protected override void OnEnterStage(Stage stage)
protected override void OnLoadGraphics(Graphics graphics)
Image image = graphics.GetImage("Resources", "player");
// add a Sprite to this Entity, it will be automatically rendered when this entity is
// set it's offset such that it's centered
_sprite = Add(new Sprite(image, Game.Swatches.Player), new Vector2i(-image.Width / 2, -image.Height / 2));
protected override void OnUpdate(double dt)

Player subclasses Entity, and Entities can be added to Stages, where they will be automatically updated. Any Sprites that have been added to the entity will be automatically rendered, as well.

The line public new Main Game { get { return (Main) base.Game; } } lets the Player class just reference "Game" instead of having to write ((Main)Stage.Game) each time to cast it.

  • In GameStage.cs, create a new Player object and add it to the stage:
// called when this stage is created
public GameStage(Main game) : base(game)
Debug.Log("GameStage constructed");
Player player = Add(new Player(), 0);
player.Position = new Vector2f(40f, 40f);
  • We can access the .Position property of Player because Player inherits that property from Entity.

You should see a player sprite now if you run your game (or run the included version #2).


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