Classes | |
class | Animation |
An image with multiple frames of animation that can be played back over a given period of time. More... | |
class | Audio |
Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy audio hardware. More... | |
class | AudioClipStreamer |
class | Awaitable |
Base class for objects representing tasks that are performed over several frames, mainly used within coroutines to pause control flow until the corresponding task is complete. More... | |
class | AwaitableEventArgs |
Used for events triggered by Awaitables. More... | |
class | Controls |
Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy controls hardware. More... | |
class | Coroutine |
Represents a sequence of actions, the execution of which may be paused and resumed both by an external party and by the coroutine itself. More... | |
class | CoroutineCollection |
Holds a collection of active Coroutines, and implements coroutine execution logic. More... | |
class | CoroutineContainer |
Base class for any types that hold a CoroutineCollection, providing some protected methods for convenience. More... | |
class | Delay |
Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine for a given period of time. More... | |
class | Entity |
Base class for game objects that may have attached Sprite graphics and update logic. More... | |
class | Firmware |
class | Game |
Class to inherit when implementing a game targeting the BudgetBoy platform. More... | |
class | Graphics |
Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy graphics hardware. More... | |
class | GraphicsState |
interface | IElementHeader |
class | Image |
Abstract class representing a two dimensional bitmap. More... | |
interface | IRenderable |
Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically rendered each frame. More... | |
interface | IUpdatable |
Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically updated each frame. More... | |
class | Mp3ClipStreamer |
class | Palette |
Contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing a Sprite. More... | |
class | PaletteBuilder |
Class used to construct a custom Palette. A Palette contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing an Image. More... | |
class | Parallel |
An action that will advance all contained actions at the same time. More... | |
class | PlayAnimation |
Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until an Animation completes. More... | |
struct | PrimitiveElementHeader |
class | RawImage |
Represents an image resource loaded from a file, with 2 bits per pixel (4 colors). More... | |
struct | ScissorElementHeader |
class | Sequential |
An action that will run all contained actions in a linear sequence. More... | |
class | Sound |
Represents an audio clip with a single channel, stored as an array of samples. More... | |
class | SoundInstance |
class | SoundInternal |
class | Sprite |
A basic rendering primitive containing an image, a swatch to apply to it, and a location to draw it on-screen. More... | |
struct | SpriteElementHeader |
class | Stage |
Base class to inherit from when creating different levels or scenes for a game. Automatically updates and renders Entities that are added to it. More... | |
struct | Swatch |
A group of up to four colors used when drawing things such as Sprites. More... | |
struct | SwatchIndex |
Structure representing the index of a Swatch in a Palette. More... | |
class | Text |
A basic rendering primitive used to draw text using a 16x16 character map at a given location on-screen. More... | |
class | Tilemap |
Rendering primitive representing a uniform grid of tiles. Each tile is represented by an Image and a Swatch to use when rendering it, or a null Image for an empty tile. More... | |
struct | TilemapElementHeader |
struct | TransformElementHeader |
class | Until |
Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until a predicate evaluates to true. More... | |
class | WavClipStreamer |
class | While |
Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine while a predicate evaluates to true. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | WaitStyle : byte { WaitStyle.Default = 0, WaitStyle.WaitForFirst = 1, WaitStyle.NeverTerminate = 2 } |
A setting for Sequential and Parallel Awaitables that affects when they are considered completed. More... | |
enum | SwatchFlags : byte { SwatchFlags.Default = 0, SwatchFlags.TransparencyA = 1, SwatchFlags.TransparencyB = 2, SwatchFlags.TransparencyC = 4, SwatchFlags.TransparencyD = 8, SwatchFlags.FullyTransparent = TransparencyA | TransparencyB | TransparencyC | TransparencyD } |
Defines which of the 4 colors in a Swatch are transparent. More... | |
enum | ReservedSwatches { ReservedSwatches.Black = 0xfd, ReservedSwatches.White = 0xfe, ReservedSwatches.Transparent = 0xff } |
Enumeration of the default reserved Swatch indices. More... | |
Enumeration of the default reserved Swatch indices.
enum GameAPI.BudgetBoy.SwatchFlags : byte |
Defines which of the 4 colors in a Swatch are transparent.
Enumerator | |
Default |
Default value, with no transparent colors in the Swatch. |
TransparencyA |
The first color in the Swatch is used for transparency. |
TransparencyB |
The second color in the Swatch is used for transparency. |
TransparencyC |
The third color in the Swatch is used for transparency. |
TransparencyD |
The fourth color in the Swatch is used for transparency. |
FullyTransparent |
All colors in the Swatch are used for transparency - anything drawn with this Swatch will be invisible. |
enum GameAPI.BudgetBoy.WaitStyle : byte |
A setting for Sequential and Parallel Awaitables that affects when they are considered completed.