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Package GameAPI.BudgetBoy


class  Animation
 An image with multiple frames of animation that can be played back over a given period of time. More...
class  Audio
 Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy audio hardware. More...
class  AudioClipStreamer
class  Awaitable
 Base class for objects representing tasks that are performed over several frames, mainly used within coroutines to pause control flow until the corresponding task is complete. More...
class  AwaitableEventArgs
 Used for events triggered by Awaitables. More...
class  Controls
 Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy controls hardware. More...
class  Coroutine
 Represents a sequence of actions, the execution of which may be paused and resumed both by an external party and by the coroutine itself. More...
class  CoroutineCollection
 Holds a collection of active Coroutines, and implements coroutine execution logic. More...
class  CoroutineContainer
 Base class for any types that hold a CoroutineCollection, providing some protected methods for convenience. More...
class  Delay
 Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine for a given period of time. More...
class  Entity
 Base class for game objects that may have attached Sprite graphics and update logic. More...
class  Firmware
class  Game
 Class to inherit when implementing a game targeting the BudgetBoy platform. More...
class  Graphics
 Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy graphics hardware. More...
class  GraphicsState
interface  IElementHeader
class  Image
 Abstract class representing a two dimensional bitmap. More...
interface  IRenderable
 Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically rendered each frame. More...
interface  IUpdatable
 Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically updated each frame. More...
class  Mp3ClipStreamer
class  Palette
 Contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing a Sprite. More...
class  PaletteBuilder
 Class used to construct a custom Palette. A Palette contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing an Image. More...
class  Parallel
 An action that will advance all contained actions at the same time. More...
class  PlayAnimation
 Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until an Animation completes. More...
struct  PrimitiveElementHeader
class  RawImage
 Represents an image resource loaded from a file, with 2 bits per pixel (4 colors). More...
struct  ScissorElementHeader
class  Sequential
 An action that will run all contained actions in a linear sequence. More...
class  Sound
 Represents an audio clip with a single channel, stored as an array of samples. More...
class  SoundInstance
class  SoundInternal
class  Sprite
 A basic rendering primitive containing an image, a swatch to apply to it, and a location to draw it on-screen. More...
struct  SpriteElementHeader
class  Stage
 Base class to inherit from when creating different levels or scenes for a game. Automatically updates and renders Entities that are added to it. More...
struct  Swatch
 A group of up to four colors used when drawing things such as Sprites. More...
struct  SwatchIndex
 Structure representing the index of a Swatch in a Palette. More...
class  Text
 A basic rendering primitive used to draw text using a 16x16 character map at a given location on-screen. More...
class  Tilemap
 Rendering primitive representing a uniform grid of tiles. Each tile is represented by an Image and a Swatch to use when rendering it, or a null Image for an empty tile. More...
struct  TilemapElementHeader
struct  TransformElementHeader
class  Until
 Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until a predicate evaluates to true. More...
class  WavClipStreamer
class  While
 Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine while a predicate evaluates to true. More...


enum  WaitStyle : byte { WaitStyle.Default = 0, WaitStyle.WaitForFirst = 1, WaitStyle.NeverTerminate = 2 }
 A setting for Sequential and Parallel Awaitables that affects when they are considered completed. More...
enum  SwatchFlags : byte {
  SwatchFlags.Default = 0, SwatchFlags.TransparencyA = 1, SwatchFlags.TransparencyB = 2, SwatchFlags.TransparencyC = 4,
  SwatchFlags.TransparencyD = 8, SwatchFlags.FullyTransparent = TransparencyA | TransparencyB | TransparencyC | TransparencyD
 Defines which of the 4 colors in a Swatch are transparent. More...
enum  ReservedSwatches { ReservedSwatches.Black = 0xfd, ReservedSwatches.White = 0xfe, ReservedSwatches.Transparent = 0xff }
 Enumeration of the default reserved Swatch indices. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration of the default reserved Swatch indices.


The index of a reserved swatch that is completely black.


The index of a reserved swatch that is completely white.


The index of a reserved swatch that is completely transparent.

Defines which of the 4 colors in a Swatch are transparent.


Default value, with no transparent colors in the Swatch.


The first color in the Swatch is used for transparency.


The second color in the Swatch is used for transparency.


The third color in the Swatch is used for transparency.


The fourth color in the Swatch is used for transparency.


All colors in the Swatch are used for transparency - anything drawn with this Swatch will be invisible.

A setting for Sequential and Parallel Awaitables that affects when they are considered completed.


Completed when all contained actions are finished.


Completed when all contained actions are finished, but only after at least one action has been added.


The action never completes - useful for container actions that may occasionally have child actions added to them.