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GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls Class Reference

Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy controls hardware. More...

Inheritance diagram for GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls:
GameAPI.ControlsBase< TGame, TImplementation > GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation > GameAPI.Peripheral

Protected Member Functions

override void OnInitialize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.ControlsBase< TGame, TImplementation >
override void OnSerializeSetup (Stream stream)
override void OnSerializeFrame (Stream stream)
override void OnDeserializeFrame (Stream stream)
virtual void OnSetCursorVisibility ()
Button AddButton (params string[] idents)
Axis AddAxis (params string[] idents)
Axis2 AddAxis2 (Axis x, Axis y)
Axis2 AddCursor (RectF range)
override void OnStartControlling ()
override void OnStopControlling ()
override void OnUpdateFrame (double dt)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
virtual void OnAttachImplementation ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral
void ClearFrameWriter ()
virtual void OnRegisterResourceTypes (ResourceManager library)
virtual void OnLoadResources (Resources volume)
virtual void OnReset ()
virtual void OnDeserializeSetup (Stream stream)
virtual void OnCopyFrame (Stream stream)


Button A [get]
 Primary button. More...
Button B [get]
 Secondary button. More...
Button Start [get]
 Start button. More...
Button Select [get]
 Select button. More...
Axis2 Analog [get]
 Combined analog stick axes. More...
Axis2 LeftAnalog [get]
 Left analog stick axes. More...
Axis2 RightAnalog [get]
 Right analog stick axes. More...
Axis2 Cursor [get]
 Mouse cursor axes with each component in the range [-1, 1]. More...
Axis2 CursorRelative [get]
 Mouse cursor axes with each component in the range [0, 1]. More...
Vector2F CursorPosition [get]
 Mouse cursor screen position. More...
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.ControlsBase< TGame, TImplementation >
override bool ShouldUpdate [get]
bool IsCursorVisible [get, set]
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
virtual bool ShouldUpdate [get]
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral
BinaryWriter FrameWriter [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
override void Dispose ()

Detailed Description

Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy controls hardware.

Member Function Documentation

override void GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.OnInitialize ( )

Property Documentation

Button GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.A

Primary button.

Axis2 GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.Analog

Combined analog stick axes.

Button GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.B

Secondary button.

Axis2 GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.Cursor

Mouse cursor axes with each component in the range [-1, 1].

Vector2F GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.CursorPosition

Mouse cursor screen position.

Axis2 GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.CursorRelative

Mouse cursor axes with each component in the range [0, 1].

Axis2 GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.LeftAnalog

Left analog stick axes.

Axis2 GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.RightAnalog

Right analog stick axes.

Button GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.Select

Select button.

Button GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Controls.Start

Start button.