▼NGameAPI | |
▼NBudgetBoy | |
CAnimation | An image with multiple frames of animation that can be played back over a given period of time. |
CAudio | Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy audio hardware. |
CAwaitable | Base class for objects representing tasks that are performed over several frames, mainly used within coroutines to pause control flow until the corresponding task is complete. |
CAwaitableEventArgs | Used for events triggered by Awaitables. |
CControls | Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy controls hardware. |
CCoroutine | Represents a sequence of actions, the execution of which may be paused and resumed both by an external party and by the coroutine itself. |
CCoroutineCollection | Holds a collection of active Coroutines, and implements coroutine execution logic. |
CCoroutineContainer | Base class for any types that hold a CoroutineCollection, providing some protected methods for convenience. |
CDelay | Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine for a given period of time. |
CEntity | Base class for game objects that may have attached Sprite graphics and update logic. |
CFirmware | |
CGame | Class to inherit when implementing a game targeting the BudgetBoy platform. |
CGraphics | Peripheral providing an interface with the BudgetBoy graphics hardware. |
CImage | Abstract class representing a two dimensional bitmap. |
CIRenderable | Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically rendered each frame. |
CIUpdatable | Interface for types that can be added to a Stage and automatically updated each frame. |
CPalette | Contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing a Sprite. |
CPaletteBuilder | Class used to construct a custom Palette. A Palette contains up to 256 Swatch entries, each of which contains 4 colors to be used when drawing an Image. |
CParallel | An action that will advance all contained actions at the same time. |
CPlayAnimation | Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until an Animation completes. |
CRawImage | Represents an image resource loaded from a file, with 2 bits per pixel (4 colors). |
CSequential | An action that will run all contained actions in a linear sequence. |
CSound | Represents an audio clip with a single channel, stored as an array of samples. |
CSprite | A basic rendering primitive containing an image, a swatch to apply to it, and a location to draw it on-screen. |
CStage | Base class to inherit from when creating different levels or scenes for a game. Automatically updates and renders Entities that are added to it. |
CSwatch | A group of up to four colors used when drawing things such as Sprites. |
CSwatchIndex | Structure representing the index of a Swatch in a Palette. |
CText | A basic rendering primitive used to draw text using a 16x16 character map at a given location on-screen. |
CTilemap | Rendering primitive representing a uniform grid of tiles. Each tile is represented by an Image and a Swatch to use when rendering it, or a null Image for an empty tile. |
CUntil | Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine until a predicate evaluates to true. |
CWhile | Basic Awaitable used to delay execution of a coroutine while a predicate evaluates to true. |
▼NInternal | |
CCompilerException | Exception thrown when a game fails to compile. |
CGamePackageFormatException | |
CIPeripheralImplementation | |
CPeripheralImplementation | |
▼NSandboxing | |
▼NMessages | |
CCloseConnection | |
CEmptyResponse | |
CGrantAssembly | |
CHandshake | |
CInternalProxy | |
CIRemotable | |
CMessage | |
CRemotable | |
CRemoteProxyManager | |
CSandbox | |
CAPIAssemblyNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a game platform API assembly is referenced that could not be found. |
CAStarEdge< T > | Represents a connection on a graph, for use with AStar(). |
CAudioBase< TGame, TImplementation > | Base class for audio hardware interfaces. |
CAudioChannelBase | |
CAxis | Represents a single analogue axis. |
CAxis2 | Represents two orthogonal analogue axes. |
CButton | Represents a single discrete button. |
CColor24 | Structure representing a 24-bit RGB color (8 bits per component). |
CControl | Base class for any device providing game input. |
CControlsBase< TGame, TImplementation > | Base class for controls hardware interfaces. |
CDebug | Provides tools for developers to diagnose issues with their games. |
CDemo | Contains a recording of an arcade game as a sequence of frames. |
CEase | |
CFirmwareBase< TGame, TImplementation > | |
CFrameStream | Represents a subsection of another stream, starting from a certain offset and with a given length. |
CGameBase | Base class for all arcade games. |
CGameBase< TControls, TGraphics, TAudio, TFirmware > | Base class for all arcade games, specifying a particular controls, graphics and audio (virtual) hardware implementation. |
CGameInfoAttribute | Class-level attribute to provide information about an arcade game. |
CGraphicsBase< TGame, TImplementation > | Base class for graphics hardware interfaces. |
CGraphicsInfoAttribute | Class-level attribute to provide information about the graphical specifications of an arcade game. |
CHighscore | Represents a score attained by a player in an arcade game. |
CHighscoreSubmittedEventArgs | Provides information for events called when a Highscore is submitted. |
CIAudio | |
CIControls | |
CIFirmware | |
CIGame | |
CIGameInfo | Interface for types that provide information about an arcade game. |
CIGraphics | |
CIGraphicsInfo | Interface for types that provide information about the graphical specifications of an arcade game. |
CMathf | Provides constants and static methods for floating point mathematics. |
CNetMessage | |
CPeripheral | |
CPeripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation > | Base class for hardware input and output devices. |
CRectF | An axis-aligned rectangle, using single precision floating-point numbers for each component. |
CRectI | An axis-aligned rectangle, using signed integers for each component. |
CResourceManager | Class containing methods for registering and listing resource types. |
CResources | Class containing methods related to accessing resources. |
▼CTools | Provides some helpful methods that don't belong anywhere else. |
CEventDelegate< THandler > | |
CTransform | Structure representing a 2D affine transformation. |
CVector2F | A two component vector of floats. |
CVector2I | A two component vector of integers. |