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GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Firmware Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Firmware:
GameAPI.FirmwareBase< TGame, TImplementation > GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation > GameAPI.IFirmware GameAPI.Peripheral

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.FirmwareBase< TGame, TImplementation >
bool IsNewHighscore (int score)
bool IsNewHighscore (Highscore score)
bool AddHighscore (Highscore score)
void AddHighscores (IEnumerable< Highscore > scores)
bool SubmitHighscore (Highscore score)
Highscore GetHighscore (int index)
 Gets the highscore at the specified index. More...
void ClearHighscores ()
 Wipes all Highscore entries from the cabinet hosting this game. More...
void SendMessage (int port, Stream stream, int length, NetSendMethod sendMethod)
IEnumerable< NetMessageReadMessages ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
override void Dispose ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.FirmwareBase< TGame, TImplementation >
 FirmwareBase ()
override void OnDeserializeFrame (Stream stream)
override void OnSerializeFrame (Stream stream)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
override void OnInitialize ()
virtual void OnAttachImplementation ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral
void ClearFrameWriter ()
virtual void OnRegisterResourceTypes (ResourceManager library)
virtual void OnLoadResources (Resources volume)
virtual void OnReset ()
virtual void OnDeserializeSetup (Stream stream)
virtual void OnSerializeSetup (Stream stream)
virtual void OnStartControlling ()
virtual void OnStopControlling ()
virtual void OnUpdateFrame (double dt)
virtual void OnCopyFrame (Stream stream)
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.FirmwareBase< TGame, TImplementation >
virtual int MaxHighscoreCount [get]
IEnumerable< HighscoreHighscores [get]
 Gets the set of stored Highscore entries for the cabinet hosting this game. More...
int HighscoreCount [get]
 Gets the current number of stored highscores. More...
string DefaultHighscoreInitials [get]
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral< TGame, TProvider, TImplementation >
virtual bool ShouldUpdate [get]
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.Peripheral
BinaryWriter FrameWriter [get]