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GameAPI.Axis Class Reference

Represents a single analogue axis. More...

Inheritance diagram for GameAPI.Axis:


float Value [get]
 A value in the range [-1, 1] representing the current state of this axis. More...
float Positive [get]
 A value in the range [0, 1] found by clamping this axis's value. More...
float Negative [get]
 A value in the range [0, 1] found by clamping this axis's negated value. More...
bool IsPositive [get]
 True if the axis has a positive value excluding zero, otherwise false. More...
bool IsNegative [get]
 True if the axis has a negative value excluding zero, otherwise false. More...
bool IsZero [get]
 True if the axis is in the default position. More...
bool JustBecamePositive [get]
 True if the axis became positive since the previous update. More...
bool JustBecameNegative [get]
 True if the axis became negative since the previous update. More...
bool JustBecameZero [get]
 True if the axis moved to the default position since the previous update. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a single analogue axis.

Property Documentation

bool GameAPI.Axis.IsNegative

True if the axis has a negative value excluding zero, otherwise false.

bool GameAPI.Axis.IsPositive

True if the axis has a positive value excluding zero, otherwise false.

bool GameAPI.Axis.IsZero

True if the axis is in the default position.

bool GameAPI.Axis.JustBecameNegative

True if the axis became negative since the previous update.

bool GameAPI.Axis.JustBecamePositive

True if the axis became positive since the previous update.

bool GameAPI.Axis.JustBecameZero

True if the axis moved to the default position since the previous update.

float GameAPI.Axis.Negative

A value in the range [0, 1] found by clamping this axis's negated value.

float GameAPI.Axis.Positive

A value in the range [0, 1] found by clamping this axis's value.

float GameAPI.Axis.Value

A value in the range [-1, 1] representing the current state of this axis.