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GameAPI.GameBase Class Referenceabstract

Base class for all arcade games. More...

Inheritance diagram for GameAPI.GameBase:
GameAPI.Sandboxing.Remotable GameAPI.IGame GameAPI.Sandboxing.IRemotable GameAPI.GameBase< TControls, TGraphics, TAudio, TFirmware > GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Game


class  AttachToCabinetCall
class  BeginUpdateCall
class  CapturePauseFrameCall
class  CapturePauseFrameResponse
class  EndUpdateCall
class  GetGameInfoCall
class  GetGameInfoResponse
class  GetGraphicsInfoCall
class  GetGraphicsInfoResponse
class  InitializeCall
class  InitializeResourceLibraryCall
class  InitializeResourceLibraryResponse
class  LoadResourcesCall
class  LoadStateCall
class  PauseCall
class  Proxy
class  ResetCall
class  ResumeCall
class  SaveStateCall
class  SaveStateResponse

Public Member Functions

delegate void LoadGameAsyncCallback (IGame game)
void PushPreUpdate (Action action)
void Reset ()
 Manually unpauses and resets the game. More...
void RenderPausedFrame ()
 Renders the last frame shown before the game became paused. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Sandboxing.Remotable
void Dispose ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void RegisterAPIAssembly (Assembly asm)
static void FromAssemblyAsync (string path, string[] refPaths, Sandbox sandbox, LoadGameAsyncCallback callback)
static IGame FromAssembly (string path, string[] refPaths, Sandbox sandbox)
static void FromCSSourcesAsync (string baseDir, Sandbox sandbox, LoadGameAsyncCallback callback)
static IGame FromCSSources (string baseDir, Sandbox sandbox)
static void FromPackageAsync< TCabinet > (Sandbox sandbox, Stream stream, TCabinet cabinet, LoadGameAsyncCallback callback)
static IGame FromPackage< TCabinet > (Sandbox sandbox, Stream stream, TCabinet cabinet=null)

Public Attributes

const int SavedStateSizeLimit = 65535
 Maximum size of a game save state, in bytes. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnRegisterResourceTypes (ResourceManager library)
 Used to register custom resource types to be used by the game. More...
virtual void OnInitialize ()
 Called when the game is about to start. More...
virtual void OnLoadResources (Resources volume)
 Called when game resources are available to be loaded. More...
virtual void OnPause ()
 Called when the game is paused. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Called when the game resets and first begins. More...
virtual void OnResume ()
 Called when the game is resumed from a paused state. More...
virtual void OnUpdate ()
 Called at regular intervals, specified by UpdateRate, just before a frame is drawn. More...
virtual void OnRender ()
 Called at regular intervals, specified by UpdateRate, when a frame is being drawn. More...
virtual void OnRenderPauseScreen (double timeUntilReset)
 Called in the place of OnRender() when the game is paused, with timeUntilReset in seconds. More...
virtual void OnSaveState (BinaryWriter writer)
 Allows game state to be transferred between players so that they can pass control to each other when overridden along with OnLoadState(). More...
virtual void OnLoadState (BinaryReader reader)
 Allows game state to be transferred between players so that they can pass control to each other when overridden along with OnSaveState(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GameAPI.Sandboxing.Remotable
virtual void OnDispose ()


IGameInfo GameInfo [get]
 Gets a structure containing general information about the game. More...
IGraphicsInfo GraphicsInfo [get]
 Gets a structure containing information about the graphical specifications of the game. More...
int UpdateRate [get]
 Gets the number of times this game updates per second. More...
TimeSpan TimeStep [get]
 Gets the period between game updates in seconds. More...
bool IsPaused [get]
 If true, the game is in a paused state and is not updating. More...
ulong Tick [get, set]
 Gets the number of updates since the game first began. More...
double Time [get]
 Gets the estimated number of seconds since the game first began. More...
abstract int LastFrameSize [get]
 Gets the number of bytes needed to stream the previous frame. More...
bool CanTransferState [get]
 If true, this game has implemented game state transmission between clients. More...
bool ResetWhenChangePlayer [get]
 If true, this game hasn't implemented game state transmission and so must reset when changing player. More...
- Properties inherited from GameAPI.IGame
bool IsPaused [get]
IGameInfo GameInfo [get]
IGraphicsInfo GraphicsInfo [get]


EventHandler Paused
EventHandler Restarted
EventHandler Resumed
- Events inherited from GameAPI.IGame
EventHandler Restarted

Detailed Description

Base class for all arcade games.

Member Function Documentation

static IGame GameAPI.GameBase.FromAssembly ( string  path,
string[]  refPaths,
Sandbox  sandbox 
static void GameAPI.GameBase.FromAssemblyAsync ( string  path,
string[]  refPaths,
Sandbox  sandbox,
LoadGameAsyncCallback  callback 
static IGame GameAPI.GameBase.FromCSSources ( string  baseDir,
Sandbox  sandbox 
static void GameAPI.GameBase.FromCSSourcesAsync ( string  baseDir,
Sandbox  sandbox,
LoadGameAsyncCallback  callback 
static IGame GameAPI.GameBase.FromPackage< TCabinet > ( Sandbox  sandbox,
Stream  stream,
TCabinet  cabinet = null 
Type Constraints
TCabinet :class 
TCabinet :ICabinet 
static void GameAPI.GameBase.FromPackageAsync< TCabinet > ( Sandbox  sandbox,
Stream  stream,
TCabinet  cabinet,
LoadGameAsyncCallback  callback 
Type Constraints
TCabinet :class 
TCabinet :ICabinet 
delegate void GameAPI.GameBase.LoadGameAsyncCallback ( IGame  game)
virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnInitialize ( )

Called when the game is about to start.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnLoadResources ( Resources  volume)

Called when game resources are available to be loaded.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnLoadState ( BinaryReader  reader)

Allows game state to be transferred between players so that they can pass control to each other when overridden along with OnSaveState().

readerBinaryReader to read game state from.
virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnPause ( )

Called when the game is paused.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnRegisterResourceTypes ( ResourceManager  library)

Used to register custom resource types to be used by the game.

libraryResource archive library to register custom resource types to.
virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnRender ( )

Called at regular intervals, specified by UpdateRate, when a frame is being drawn.

Reimplemented in GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Game.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnRenderPauseScreen ( double  timeUntilReset)

Called in the place of OnRender() when the game is paused, with timeUntilReset in seconds.

Reimplemented in GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Game.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnReset ( )

Called when the game resets and first begins.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnResume ( )

Called when the game is resumed from a paused state.

virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnSaveState ( BinaryWriter  writer)

Allows game state to be transferred between players so that they can pass control to each other when overridden along with OnLoadState().

writerBinaryWriter to write game state to.
virtual void GameAPI.GameBase.OnUpdate ( )

Called at regular intervals, specified by UpdateRate, just before a frame is drawn.

Reimplemented in GameAPI.BudgetBoy.Game.

void GameAPI.GameBase.PushPreUpdate ( Action  action)

Implements GameAPI.IGame.

static void GameAPI.GameBase.RegisterAPIAssembly ( Assembly  asm)
void GameAPI.GameBase.RenderPausedFrame ( )

Renders the last frame shown before the game became paused.

void GameAPI.GameBase.Reset ( )

Manually unpauses and resets the game.

Implements GameAPI.IGame.

Member Data Documentation

const int GameAPI.GameBase.SavedStateSizeLimit = 65535

Maximum size of a game save state, in bytes.

Property Documentation

bool GameAPI.GameBase.CanTransferState

If true, this game has implemented game state transmission between clients.

IGameInfo GameAPI.GameBase.GameInfo

Gets a structure containing general information about the game.

IGraphicsInfo GameAPI.GameBase.GraphicsInfo

Gets a structure containing information about the graphical specifications of the game.

bool GameAPI.GameBase.IsPaused

If true, the game is in a paused state and is not updating.

abstract int GameAPI.GameBase.LastFrameSize

Gets the number of bytes needed to stream the previous frame.

bool GameAPI.GameBase.ResetWhenChangePlayer

If true, this game hasn't implemented game state transmission and so must reset when changing player.

ulong GameAPI.GameBase.Tick

Gets the number of updates since the game first began.

double GameAPI.GameBase.Time

Gets the estimated number of seconds since the game first began.

TimeSpan GameAPI.GameBase.TimeStep

Gets the period between game updates in seconds.

int GameAPI.GameBase.UpdateRate

Gets the number of times this game updates per second.

Event Documentation

EventHandler GameAPI.GameBase.Paused
EventHandler GameAPI.GameBase.Restarted
EventHandler GameAPI.GameBase.Resumed