Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- Name
: Chunks.Entities.Entity
, Chunks.Entities.IObject
, Chunks.Entities.Object
, Chunks.Geometry.WorldProperties
, Chunks.Interface.WandToolMenuItemAttribute
, Chunks.Plugins.LocalPluginName
, Chunks.Plugins.Plugin
, Chunks.Plugins.PluginResource
, Chunks.Plugins.ResourceName
- Namespace
: Chunks.Plugins.Plugin.LoadContext
- NearClipPlane
: Chunks.Graphics.Camera
, Chunks.Interface.CameraRig
- NeedleAngle
: Chunks.Interface.TrackPadDial
- NewWorldButton
: Chunks.Controls.WorldMenu
- Noise2D()
: LibNoise.Noise2D
- Normal
: Chunks.Entities.ToolTip
, Chunks.Geometry.CollisionEventArgs
, Chunks.Geometry.IWorldHit
, Chunks.Geometry.WorldRaycastHit
, Chunks.Geometry.WorldSweepHit
, Chunks.Interface.MenuPanelRaycastHit
- Normalized
: Chunks.Geometry.Vector
, Chunks.Geometry.Vector2D
, Chunks.Geometry.Vector4D
- NormalizedSafe
: Chunks.Geometry.Vector
, Chunks.Geometry.Vector2D
, Chunks.Geometry.Vector4D
- NormalMap
: Chunks.Graphics.StandardMaterial
- North
: LibNoise.Noise2D