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These are convenience functions that you can use inside of any scriptfunc.

Function Summary Example
vec2 create a vector with x & y components vec2(10f, playerPos.y)
sin sine (returns from -1 to 1) sin(stageTime * 2f)
cos cosine cos(bulletTime * 8f)
fastSin not as expensive as sin and not as precise 0.5f + cos(stageTime * 2f) * 0.5f
sqrt square root
dot returns the dot product (useful to determine how similar two directions are) dot(playerFacingDir, playerGunDir) returns -1 if the vectors are facing different directions, 1 if they are facing the same, etc
pow raises a number to the power of another number pow(radius, 2f)
normalize gets the unit vector of a vector (length of 1) normalize(unitPos - playerPos)
dist finds the magnitude of a vector dist(playerPos - corePos)
distSqr finds the square magnitude of a vector (less expensive) distSqr(playerPos - corePos)
abs gets the absolute value (non-negative) abs(playerPos.x - unitPos.x)
float converts an integer to a float (useful in division sometimes to prevent loss of precision) bulletNum / float(numBullets - 1)
isNan returns whether a number is NaN (likely the result of a divide-by-zero) isNan(playerPos.x)
Function Summary Example
angleToVec converts an angle (degrees) to a vector angleToVec(360f * (bulletNum / 5f))
vecToAngle converts a vector to an angle vecToAngle(playerPos - bulletPos)
angleBetween returns the closest angular distance between two angles angleBetween(playerFacingAngle, playerGunAngle)
rotateAround rotates a point around an anchor: rotateAround(pos, anchor, degrees). Leave out anchor to rotate around origin: rotateAround(pos, degrees)
rotateVec rotates a vector around the origin: rotateVec(vec, degrees)
perp gets a vector perpendicular to the input perp(facingDir)
reflect reflects a vector across a normal vector reflect(dir, outOfBoundsNormal) - will find the angle a bullet should bounce off the arena boundary
getRotationStrength determines how much a force would rotate an object: getRotationStrength(hit position, force direction, pivot position, max distance expected) getRotationStrength(hitPos, bullet.FacingDirection, unitPos, 20f)
isLeftOfLine whether a point is to the "left" of a line: isLeftOfLine(point, lineStart, lineEnd)
projectPointOntoLine finds the nearest spot on a line to a certain point: projectPointOntoLine(point, line0, line1) projectPointOntoLine(playerPos, bulletPos, bulletPos + facingDir)
doesLineIntersectCircle doesLineIntersectCircle(line0, line1, circle position, circle radius)
Function Summary Example
round returns float rounded to the nearest whole number round(unitPos.x)
floor rounds down to next whole number floor(unitPos.x)
ceil rounds up to next whole number ceil(unitPos.x)
roundToInt returns integer rounded to the nearest whole number roundToInt(unitPos.x)
floorToInt rounds down to next whole number, returns integer floorToInt(unitPos.x)
ceilToInt rounds up to next whole number, returns integer ceilToInt(unitPos.x)
min returns smaller of two numbers min(patternNum, 2)
max returns larger of two numbers max(roundToInt(damageDealt), 1f)
truncate discards the decimal portion of a number truncate(-5.125f) returns -5f
clamp clamps a value between a min and a max: clamp(value, min, max) clamp(patternPos.y, yMin + 5f, yMax - 5f)
clamp01 clamps a value between 0 and 1: clamp(value) clamp01(cloudFlashGlowPercent + 0.25f)
Function Summary Example
clamp clamps a position within a rect: clamp(pos, rect) clamp(playerPos, adjustRect(stageBounds, -5f))
adjustRect modifies the bounds of a rect adjustRect(stageBounds, -5f) or adjustRect(stageBounds, vec2(10f, -5f))
rect creates a rectangle: rect(top left x, top left y, width, height)
rectCenter creates a rectangle: rect(vec2 centerPosition, vec2 size)
Function Summary Example
map maps a number from one range to another - map(value, a, b, c, d) returns a value from c to d based on how far along value is from a to b map(patternProgress, 0f, 1f, 1f, 10f) (as patternProgress increases from 0 to 1, map returns a value from 1 to 10)
map map can also take an easing type map(distSqr(playerPos - bulletPos), 0f, 100f * 100f, 0f, 3f, 'QuadIn')
mapReturn maps a number from one range to another and back again mapReturn(implodeProgress, 0f, 1f, 1f, 0.1f, 'QuadOut') (as implodeProgress changes from 0f to 1f, return a value changing from 1f to 0.1f (halfway) then back to 1f)
ease ease toward a value ease(cloudFlashGlowPercent, 0f, 0.02f) - returns a value 2% of the way from cloudFlashGlowPercent and 0f
ease ease can be used with vectors as well ease(vectorVar, playerVel, 0.05f)
getEasingType returns one of the 34 easing types (can be used for more variety) getEasingType(numShotPatternsConstant % 34)
Function Summary Example
string converts a value to a text string string(dist(playerPos - (unitPos + unitFacingDir * -12f)))
equals compares two strings to see if they are identical equals(bullet.DataPath, 'player/bullet/default')
contains whether a string contains a substring contains(playerLastHitBullet, 'vine')
concat merges strings together (can take either 2 or 3 strings) concat(myTauntString, '!!!') or concat('You destroyed ', myPixelDestroyVariable, ' pixels!')
Function Summary Example
color creates a color color(1f, 0f, 0f) * 2f, color(1f, 1f, 0.1f, opacity)
color255 creates a color using 0-255 range rgb instead of 0-1 color255(140, 255, 244)